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Found 16 pages matching tag: Careers
Into Freshers Year
Tips and advice for students with disabilities entering their Freshers Year in college.
Into Clubs & Societies
Tips and advice for students with disabilities on getting involved with clubs and societies in college.
Into Technology
Tips and advice for students with disabilities seeking to enter a course/career in Information Technology.
Into... I Don't Know What!
Tips and advice for students with disabilities ensure about what college course to choose.
Blog: How to Thrive in Your Summer Internship
Hear from our GetAHEAD Intern on how to make the most of your Summer Internship.
I'm in College
Congratulations, you've got your place in college! Find out here all you need to know about getting the most from your college experience.
Choosing Where & What
The world is your oyster! Some pointers to help you choose where to go and what to study.
Subject Choice
There are thousands of choices when it comes to college courses but here are some useful things to consider when it comes to choosing what to study and where.
Into Nursing
Tips and advice for students with disabilities seeking to enter a course/career in nursing.
Into College with Intellectual Disability
Tips and advice for students with an intellectual disability seeking to enter college.
WAM Event - Engineering Your Best Self
WAM Event on Engineering and STEM subjects run in conjuction with ESB hosted in the Science Gallery, Trinity College on the 21st October 2015.
Into??? - Tips Series for Students
A series of tip sheets and advice videos for students with disabilties on heading into various careers and aspects of college.
Into Teaching
Tips and advice for students with disabilities seeking to enter a course/career in teaching.
Fields of Study Disability Comparison
The purpose of this section is to give an insight into what subjects students with disabilities are studying, how the percentage breakdown compares with that of the total student population and how the breakdowns for individual disabilities compare to each other other.
Final Year: Look to the Future
You're nearly there! It's time to start thinking about moving on …
Fields of Study by Institution/ Disability
The purpose of this section is to give an insight into what subjects students with disabilities are studying and where. The map shows the institutions in question - the bigger the marker, the more students with disabilities represented. Use the filters to view specific subject areas, disability categories or institutions. The accompanying bar charts give disability & fields of study breakdowns in the filtered institutions