Skills Summary as an Online Tool for Young People!
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Transferrable life skills (like teamwork, and communication skills) that young people develop through youth work, volunteering and other out-of-school activities are of huge value! Skills Summary is an easy-to-use online tool that helps young people learn about these skills and understand them. By taking short quizzes, young people can also measure how well they have developed these skills and write their own examples of their skills. This supports CV and job interview preparation and helps young people learn to talk about their skills in a way that sounds great to future employers.
There are 12 different skills that are most valued by employers that you can explore!
- Communication Skills
- Interpersonal Skills
- Teamwork
- Adaptability
- Leadership
- Entrepreneurship
- Drive and Resilience
- Ethics and Integrity
- IT Skills
- Decision Making
- Problem Solving Skills
- Organisation Skills
The resource helps young people build a strong CV and gives the best opportunity to prepare for job interviews. It is a vital resource in preparing young people for lifelong learning and for acknowledging the impact of non-formal learning!
With Skills Summary, there is no right or wrong. It is about the individual journey of the young person. It is an accessible, free tool that can even be used on mobile phones! It is simple, straightforward and encourages people to understand that even without having paid work experience you do have the skills to put on your CV and that employers are looking for!
Find videos with more information and real-life examples from Skills Summary here:
Find a quick summary video here, with all the key points you need to know about this exciting tool!
Skills Summary: the easy way to track and develop your life skills
Watch Aarons story - a young person from SWAN Youth, who tells us about the skills he has gained from his youth work experience and how Skills Summary helped him in identifying these skills.
Skills Summary launched (
Check out our Youth Skills Festival video that gathered over 100 young people, employers and recruiters in November 2023 to showcase the key skills of youth work!
Skills Summary: Showcasing Key Skills of Youth Work on Vimeo
Guest Blog Author: Emma O'Callaghan
Emma is a consultant for the National Youth Council of Ireland, working on projects including the Shared Island Youth Forum, Young Voices and Skills Summary. She has previously worked with Inclusion Ireland as their Disability Participation and Consultation Network Co-Ordinator and the Centre for Disability Law and Policy as a legal intern. She has a passion for disability rights and inclusion and has focused a lot of her studies on rights of disabled people in conflict situations and peace. Currently Emma is working with a variety of organisations in the disability sector to share the work of Skills Summary.
First published May 2024.