AHEAD: Association for Higher Education Access & Disability
Creating inclusive environments in education & employment for people with disabilities.


Day 2 Presentations - Video

Below you can find all of the presentations which took place on day two of the conference. Click the drop downs to view the videos.

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Morning Plenary

 Students as Partners in Assessment and Feedback: A Sectoral Approach to Change

Dr. Geraldine O’Neill (Associate Professor, National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning)

 UDL and Reasonable Accommodations – the systemic changes required in Higher Education in Ireland

Julie Tonge (UCD Access & Lifelong Learning), Declan Treanor (Trinity College Dublin)

Breakout Session 3

 Mental Health Matters: How UDL practices benefit students with mental health difficulties in higher education

Dr. Esther Murphy (Research Fellow, Trinity College Dublin)
This presentation draws on findings from recent research by AHEAD and NLN. The focus will be to share the positive outcomes experienced by students with mental health difficulties when UDL principles of multiple representation, expression and action and engagement are embraced by HEIs.

 A student’s integrated apps journey: accessibility for the road ahead

Jamie Crabb, Adam Hyland (Diversity and Ability (DnA))
The workshop will illuminate how different apps lend themselves to different stages of a learner’s journey drawing on a student case study. We illustrate how integrating strategies and apps can enable a user-led integration forming a holistic and meta-cognitive work-flow. 

 A review of transition supports for all first year students on a third level campus within a UD Framework

Suzanne McCarthy, Naoise Webb (National Learning Network)
An exploratory study of first year student supports that adopt Universal Design principles. This presentation will provide a summary of the data gathered from a learning profiler programme with first year ITB students.  It will also provide a brief analysis of demographic data of student engagement in the psychology-led academic support service at ITB.

Challenging Assumptions: Barriers to Inclusion 

Paddy Turner  (Sheffield Hallam University and NADP)
An Asperger’s Social group in DIT, “The Thursday Club”. Taking part in college is an anxious time for students but if you have in-adequate social awareness, then you may become isolated.  One of the ways DIT DSS help students with AS integrate into college life is through ’The Thursday Club’.

 Breakout Session 4

 An Inclusive Practice Toolkit for Academic Staff: The University of Brighton journey in creating a staff development resource to fit our needs

Deborah Gibberd (University of Brighton)
Developing a web-based Toolkit used for advancing Inclusive Practice designed for academics. An illustrated journey showing the need analysis, means, and range of content; how we applied IP ourselves; and how we created an engaging and effective web learning resource which has strategic management buy-in.

 Developing the first UDL-based academic program in Israel – a case study

Irma van Slooten,  Linda Niewenhuijsen (UDL Nederland), Dr. Shira Yalon-Chamovitz (Ono Academic College)
In this interactive presentation we share the insights of developing the first UDL-based academic program in Israel. We will deal with key elements in the administrative process (to get relevant actors on board), the training process (who, what and how) and initiatives to take the process to the next level (rolling out udl in all parts of the college).

 Towards Firm Assessment Goals and Flexible Assessment means in higher vocational education

Dr. Sander Hilberink, Dr. Mieke Cardol, Drs. Bertine van Hillo Visser (Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences)
In The Netherlands UDL gradually makes its entrance into higher education. The question in higher education is how to apply UDL to assessment. This study identified problems concerning regular assessments. The alternative tests appeared to be in accordance with study objectives and learning objectives.

 Equity in Practice on Paper

Ciaran Bulman (WALK)
The principle of UDL is allowing equitable means under which each student can participate inclusively in both higher and further education. But what does equity in education look like? This interactive workshop will challenge your idea of equal in the context of education and demonstrate why equality is essential to inclusive education.


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Creating Inclusive Environments in Education and Employment for People with Disabilities

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