Procedure for Conducting a Needs Assessment and Checklist
This webpage is part of the appendices for 'Inclusive Learning and the Provision of Reasonable Accommodations to Students with Disabilities in Higher Education in Ireland'.
Procedure for conducting a Needs Assessment and Checklist
The purpose of this appendix is to provide an outline of the key actions involved in a robust needs assessment process. This document also serves as a checklist for staff conducting needs assessments to assist them in ensuring they have completed all aspects of the process.
Please note that if using this as a template for your own institution, you should reference 'Inclusive Learning and the Provision of Reasonable Accommodations to Students with Disabilities in Higher Education in Ireland' as the source:
AHEAD & DAWN (2018), Inclusive Learning and the Provision of Reasonable Accommodations to Students with Disabilities in Higher Education in Ireland. Dublin: AHEAD Educational Press.
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About the Road Map for Inclusion
'Inclusive Learning and the Provision of Reasonable Accommodations to Students with Disabilities in Higher Education in Ireland' is part of a series of outputs produced by the Association for Higher Education Access and Disability (AHEAD), in collaboration with the Disability Advisers Working Network (DAWN). It brings together two years of research on the inclusion of students with disabilities in higher education and concludes that an inclusive approach based on Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles would provide an effective framework to include and improve the retention of, not only students with disabilities, but a diverse range of students including migrants, mature students, international students, and students from different socio-economic backgrounds.
The values underpinning the Road Map series are explained in the following video: