AHEAD: Association for Higher Education Access & Disability
Creating inclusive environments in education & employment for people with disabilities.


Engineering Your Best Self

Exploring Engineering and STEM careers for Students with Disabilities

Date: 21st October 2015
Time: 10.00am - 1.30pm
Location: Science Gallery Dublin, Trinity College, Pearse Street, Dublin 2

The WAM Programme at AHEAD invite career professionals and faculty who would like to see first-hand what engineering with a disability means.  This innovative free training event is organised incollaboration with ESB (a WAM Employer).

As increasing numbers of students with disabilities participate in science and engineering academic programs, the accessibility of STEM careers increases in importance. Everyone who chooses to engage on a science, technology or engineering program should feel welcome and be able to participate comfortably and efficiently and then transition to work.

Disabilities include those that affect vision, speech, hearing, attention, learning, and mobility. Keep in mind, that many disabilities are not obvious to others. These "invisible disabilities" include learning disabilities, attention deficits, autism spectrum disorders, and psychiatric impairments.

The day will feature - 

  • STEM careers and Students with Disabilities – The ‘alternatives’ not being considered - Mary Liz-Trant (SOLAS)
  • Employers on Diversity/ Disability - Panel of Employers
  • Message for Wannabe Engineers – Engineers Ireland 
  • Studying Engineering with a Disability; The Reality – Eileen Daly (Trinity College Dublin)
  • Making Placement Real and Meaningful – Mary Quirke (AHEAD)
  • Graduates & Students Experience 
  • Engineering the Future – Stephen O'Riordan (Director of ‘No Limbs, No Limits) 

This event will bring together students and graduates, major engineering employers, faculty and careers professionals to share experiences and ideas with each other.

Using the framework of the Engineering Design Process, this event seeks to anticipate the needs of graduates with disabilities and encourage companies to apply universal design concepts to their very core in the future.

If you wish to attend this event, please register below. 

Booking for this event has now closed.

Download the flyer here WAM        ESB   

Creating Inclusive Environments in Education and Employment for People with Disabilities

East Hall, UCD, Carysfort Avenue, Blackrock, Co Dublin.
T +353 1 592 1467 E ahead@ahead.ie W www.ahead.ie RCN 20025182