Governance and Accountability
We commit to our funders and all other stakeholders that we adhere to high levels of governance, transparency and accountability. Governance standards in the organisation are set and overseen by the board of AHEAD and implemented by the operational team, and governance matters are a standing item on the agenda of board meetings.
We comply with the Charities Act and are registered with the Charities Regulator, Ireland’s national statutory regulatory agency for charitable organisations. We have adopted the Charities Governance Code overseen by the Charities Regulator, and we regularly monitor our compliance and update policies and practices in line with new legislation and regulatory responsibilities. We have reported full compliance with the Code since 2022.
AHEAD is audited annually by Woods & Partners and has adopted the Charities SORP (FRS 102), a Statement of Recommended Practice that sets out how charities should prepare their annual accounts and report on their finances.