Choosing a Course
Research carried out by AHEAD shows students with disabilities are now studying in all subject areas in Higher Education so when you are considering the difficulties your disability might pose in going for a particular course, remember that it's likely that students with the same disability have gone before you.
If you are concerned about a particular aspect of a course then consult your career guidance counsellor. It may also be helpful to contact the disability officer in the colleges you are considering to discuss the matter and chat about how they might support you in overcoming any barriers.
You should also make sure that you attend the Better Options fair run annually by AHEAD. This college fair for students with disabilities takes place in November/December every year. All of the major universities and ITs as well as some further education colleges host exhibition stands and students can ask college staff directly about the courses they offer and the kinds of support they provide to students with disabilities. To keep updated on upcoming AHEAD events like Better Options, sign up to our weekly email update.
For more on what you need to think about when offered a place, visit our 'I'm in College' section.
Video: Advice for Students with Disabilities On Subject Choice
- Careers Portal - General tips for all students on choosing a course
- Qualifax - a searchable database of all college courses in Ireland