How it Works
Conference Programme
This live online programme includes the most up to date information about the conference, including titles and descriptions of all talks and presentations, speaker details, session format and timings. This online schedule also includes Zoom links to access live events. These links will be added to each weekly section at the beginning of that particular week.
Session Types:
This conference includes a variety of interesting session types, including live keynote addresses, live workshops and both live and pre-recorded presentations. In addition, there are spaces for chat and discussion each week. Here is a brief description of each type of session:
Snapshot Session (SS): 10 minute presentation, either live or pre-recorded. Live presentations will be recorded and made available to conference attendees.
Deeper Dive (DD): 25 minute presentation, either live or pre-recorded. Live presentations will be recorded and made available to conference attendees.
Keynote address: these run from 15.00-16.00 each Thursday afternoon throughout the conference. In these live sessions, leading experts speak to the week's theme. Conference attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions through the Zoom Q&A feature. Most of these keynote addresses will be recorded and made available to conference attendees. Where this is not the case, this is clearly stated within the programme.
Live Workshops & Presentations (Parallel): take place on Friday afternoons from 14.00 - 15.20. These parallel sessions have been designed by the contributors and include a mix of presentation, live discussions and smaller group discussions in breakout rooms. Attendees can select which session to attend. Please note, workshops will not be recorded. Presentations will be recorded and made available to conference attendees.
Reconnection: a time and space for conference contributors and attendees to meet each other and chat. This is an open space, not facilitated or guided, but open for people to talk to each other about anything and everything. It is a great space to meet others working in a similar area, identify potential collaborations or simply chat about the weather over a coffee! These sessions will not be recorded.
Weekly close and reflection: closing each week will be a facilitated dialogue on that week's conference theme. Hosted by conference rapporteurs Dr Marian McCarthy and Dr Vivian Rath , this session will invite conference attendees to consider the issues raised throughout the presentations and invite discussion around learnings and directions for the future. These sessions will not be recorded.
Some further information:
Conference Hashtag: please do share information about this conference and our wonderful contributors on social media. You can follow AHEAD on Twitter @aheadireland and the conference hashtag is #AHEAD2021
Comments: please do avail of the comments section on the conference website. Each session webpage, both live events and pre-recorded materials, will have a comment section at the end. Leave a note about the conference materials and any ideas they might spark.
Pre-Recorded Materials: these will be made available at the beginning of each conference week. You will receive email notification once these are available and you will be able to access them on this event site via your log in details.
Live Sessions: all live sessions are hosted on the Zoom Platform. Access links will be made available on the event website prior to each event. Simply log in and navigate to the event you wish to attend. Click on the Zoom link and you will be let into the event.
Live Session Recordings: many of the live keynotes and presentations will be recorded. These will be made available on the conference site as soon as possible after the event. You will be able to access these using your conference site log in and will receive notification once these are available. Where live sessions are not being recorded, this is clearly stated in the programme.
Support and Questions: Closed captions are available for the keynote, parallel and pre-recorded sessions, to access click the CC button on the bottom right of your screen. If you use a screen reader, you may wish to disable this during the sessions as the chat box can sometimes interfere with you hearing the speakers. Click here for instructions. ISL is available on request and we have ISL interpreters on standby. Please contact us if you need information about closed captions, ISL, any other access needs or if you are having issues or difficulties with the website or accessing any of the events or materials at