Home Sweet Home!
College wide approaches that support inclusion for all in the Digital World
The swift move to remote and hybrid learning has magnified significant challenges that already existed around student access to online environments and accessibility of online teaching tools, materials and practices. Accessible digital infrastructure and staff awareness on how to apply inclusive practice and accessibility principles within their own remit are essential to delivering a quality experience for student with disabilities.
With new legislation on the horizon in Ireland’s imminent transposition of the EU Web Accessibility Directive, this theme explores approaches that seek to embed inclusion and digital accessibility practices in the fabric of the college/centre through the implementation of college-wide policy, the featuring of accessibility and inclusion pointers in all staff guidance, the development college campaigns and toolkits, and wide scale professional development programmes relating to inclusion. It explores work that seeks to build a culture where inclusion is everyone’s business.
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Pre-recorded Sessions
Pre-recorded Sessions
Week 4 Pre-Record 1
- Welcoming and Supporting Students in a University for All: Finding Opportunities for Inclusion Online
Dr Lisa Padden, Project Lead, University for All, UCD Access & Lifelong Learning, University College Dublin
Dr Lisa Padden Project Lead, University for All, UCD Access & Lifelong Learning, University College Dublin
Dr Lisa Padden received her BA degree in English and Psychology, MA Degree in English and PhD in English from the National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG). Her experience includes teaching in the English Department at NUIG for five years before moving to University College Dublin (UCD) to support students with disabilities. Lisa’s current role is as Academic Skills Coordinator with UCD Access & Lifelong Learning. Her research interests include Universal Design in university settings, promoting independent learning, equal access to education, and assistive technologies.
Kim Lombard Occupational Therapist, UCD Access & Lifelong Learning, University College Dublin
Kim Lombard qualified with a BSc in Occupational Therapy from Trinity College Dublin. Kim joined the Occupational Therapy Service in UCD Access and Lifelong Learning (UCD ALL) in October 2017, working 1:1 with students, facilitating various training sessions throughout campus, and developing online resources for the UCD ALLs BrightSpace Module ALL Student Supports. Kim is currently undertaking a PhD project which aims to improve the evidence base of Occupational Therapy Services in Higher Education.
Week 4 Pre-Record 2
- Academic Reading Lists and Course Content in Multiple Alternative Formats: A Universal Design Success Story @IADT
Jade Walsh, Assistant Psychologist, National Learning Network, IADT Dun Laoghaire
Jade Walsh Assistant Psychologist, National Learning Network, IADT Dun Laoghaire
Jade Walsh has a BSc in Applied Psychology from IADT and a MSc in Applied Psychology from Trinity College Dublin. Jade previously worked as a Teaching Assistant for Applied Psychology modules in IADT and in a number of psychology related supporting roles. Jade also holds the Welfare and Membership officer position in the Student Affairs Group with the Psychological Society of Ireland.
Colm Olwill Assistive Technology Tutor, IADT Dun Laoghaire
Colm Olwill in the Assistive Technology Tutor in IADT. Colm has over 25 years of experience working in Assistive Technology for IADT, NCAD, DRAKE MUSIC IRELAND and others. Recently he has taught on the IADT course Designing the Universal Design for Learning Curriculum, road tested UCDs UNIVERSITY FOR ALL Toolkit and Contributed to RTÉ's assistive technology programme 'The Big Life Fix'. He has a graduate diploma in Disability Needs Assessment from Trinity College Dublin. He has a vocation for Assistive Technology and working with users to find AT solutions.
Alice Morrissey Library Assistant, IADT Dun Laoghaire
Alice's role since joining IADT in March 2020 has focused on producing online content to make it easier for students and staff to understand and access the IADT Library's online collections and services during a sudden switch to remote learning. She has produced written and video guides, offers online sessions for class groups and individual students, and has kept IADT Library's online features running and expanding. Her previous work in academic libraries such as University College Dublin Library and the Institute of Public Administration Library has given her experience with a large variety of learners and their accessibility needs.
Week 4 Pre-Record 3
- A Shared Vision for Inclusion in Higher Education: Three Perspectives on Embedding UDL Principles During the Swift Move to Online Learning
Dr Suzanne Stone, University of Limerick
Dr Suzanne Stone University of Limerick
Suzanne joined the CTL in July 2023 as Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Lead. This role involves driving?the University strategic aim to?ensure accessibility to university learning experience for all students?by embedding and enacting UDL in programme design and delivery.?
Tracy Galvin Education Developer, Queen's University Belfast
Tracy Galvin is an Education Developer in Queen's University Belfast. Tracy started off her career as a Post-Primary teacher and has worked in Higher Education for over 13 years in three different institutions. Tracy has a keen interest in Universal Design for Learning, Inclusive Curriculum Design, Accessibility and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in the Curriculum.
Karen Buckley Academic Developer, Teaching Enhancement Unit, National Institute for Digital Learning (NIDL), Dublin City University
Karen Buckley is an assistant professor in the School of Inclusive and Special Education at the Institute of Education at Dublin City University. With particular research interest in inclusive pedagogy, Karen is an advocate for inclusive practice to improve and optimise teaching, learning and assessment in Higher Education. She is a doctoral candidate in Maynooth University where she is exploring professional development in Higher Education.
Thursday 29 April
Thursday 29 April
15.00-16.00 - Week 4 Keynote (Live and Recorded)
- An Effective Institutional Approach to Teaching, Learning & Assessment through a Universal Design for Learning Lens
Maureen Haran, PhD(c), SFHEA, Atlantic Technological University
Maureen Haran, PhD(c), SFHEA Atlantic Technological University
Lecturer in UDL and Manager of the UDL HE Centre of Excellence, ATU. Programme Chair Teaching, Learning & Assessment
A national UDL leader, Lecturer Maureen Haran manages the UDL Centre of Excellence at Atlantic Technological University. Maureen works with educational development teams to design and implement inclusive education practices at regional and national levels. She is the programme chair and Lecturer on the Post Graduate Certificate/ MA in UDL.
Dr Shelley Brady Disability Officer, Institute of Technology Sligo
Dr Shelley Brady has worked as an educator in a diversity of settings. The formative years of her career saw her supporting students in early intervention settings and primary schools as a Board-Certified Behaviour Analyst. She then went on to work in supporting staff and young adults in secondary and further education. Always interested in and driven by ethical evidence-based practice, Shelley went on to work as a teaching fellow in Queen's University. She now works in IT Sligo as the Disability Officer, where she supports students across the institute as well as supporting staff in the implementation of UDL across their teaching practices.
Dr Ellen McCabe Instructional Designer, Institute of Technology Sligo
Dr Ellen McCabe is an Instructional Designer at the Institute of Technology Sligo. Ellen's work is support based in the Centre for Online Learning (COL) in the development and delivery of online learning and learning platforms. She carries out functions in technology evaluation and acquisition, eLearning pedagogical research and development, staff training and support, quality assurance and course development. Ellen is one of five instructional designers and much of her work centres on design by inclusive practice.
16.00 to 16.30 Reconnection Space (Live Only)
- A meeting space to join for unstructured networking and chat with other conference participants. Meet new colleagues and build your inclusive community.
Friday 30 April
Friday 30 April
14:00-15:20 - Parallel 1: Workshop (Live Only)
- Building Inclusive and Accessible Communities: Providing the Right Tools to Inform Educators and Learners through an Interactive Accessibility Toolkit
Tracy Galvin, Education Developer, Queen's University Belfast Jen McParland, Digital Learning Consultant, Queen's University Belfast
Jen McParland Digital Learning Consultant, Queen's University Belfast
Jen McParland is a Digital Learning Consultant in Queens University Belfast. Jen has a Post-Primary teaching background in the creative arts, and has previously worked in roles for NIs Creative Learning Centres, the Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment, and Northern Ireland Screen. Jen has a special interest in education technology and digital pedagogy.
14:00-15:20 - Parallel 2: Themed Presentations (Live and Recorded)
- Supporting Inclusion in Digital Further Education and Training (FET) Settings: A Collaborative Submission from Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board (LCETB), Cork Education and Training Board (CETB) & Donegal Education and Training Board (DETB)
Carol Neenan, Active Inclusion Officer, Cork Education and Training Board (CETB)
Carol Neenan Active Inclusion Officer, Cork Education and Training Board (CETB)
Carol has been the Active Inclusion Officer with Cork ETB since December 2019, seconded to that post from a very long-standing career teaching PLC learners; working as Champion of Disability in her college and having a particular interest in supporting vulnerable learners with in-house educational testing. She became a member of the original Cork Active Inclusion Network created in conjunction with AHEAD 2017; UDL facilitator 2020; ‘Ahead Start’ (AHEAD) graduate; Teacher trainer in educational assessments (Education Elephant); and combines her Active Inclusion role with working as an Educational Psychologist: BA.(Hons) App. Psy., M.Ed -Lifelong Learning, MSc. Psy., ADOS & ADI-R trained, RQTU, APC PATOSS, MBPS, MPSI.
Charles Gorney Adult Education Officer, Donegal Education and Training Board
Charles has been one of the two Adult Education Officers in Donegal ETB now since January 2017. Prior to this his practice area as an educator was Information Technology, and after completing a number of years instructing at the Sligo Training Centre, he progressed to the role of a curriculum officer in the former FÁS training centre in Letterkenny, Co. Donegal. This role evolved over the years into one of quality assurance of assessment and it was during his time within this role that he began to become more interested in inclusive ways to assess our diverse learner groups.
Over the past few years Charles has also been managing the implementation of technology enhanced learning across the Donegal ETB FET service and it is through this work that the group has begun to explore the use of technology to support inclusion across the FET service. Their membership with AHEAD allowed us to include an inclusive education seminar and workshop within our first TEL seminar in 2019 and from this they were hooked into exploring other inclusive opportunities and approaches across the service with emphasis within the past year on the introduction of Universal Design for Learning approaches.
Aobhán Haverty Adult Education Officer, Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board
Following her appointment as Adult Education Officer in December 2007 (initially to Clare VEC Adult Education Service), Aobhán Haverty is currently responsible for the development of the Active Inclusion Support Service with Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board Further Education and Training Division.
A joint recipient of two excellence in public service awards from the Department of An Taoiseach in 2004 and 2008, Aobhán holds an MA in Adult and Community Education from NUI Maynooth and has worked across a wide variety of exchequer and EU funded projects and provision, primarily focused on educational inequality and inclusion
Crona Gallagher Donegal Education and Training Board (ETB).
Director Further Education and Training, Donegal Education and Training Board (ETB).
- The Social Engagement Experiences of Disabled Students in Higher Education in Ireland.
Dr Vivian Rath, National Disabled Postgraduate Advisory Committee
Dr Vivian Rath National Disabled Postgraduate Advisory Committee
Vivian is the Organiser of the National Disabled Postgraduate Advisory Committee and the TCD Forum for Disabled Staff and Postgraduate Students. Vivian is an academic, a human and disability rights advocate and a change maker. He is currently an Adjunct Teaching Fellow in Trinity College Dublin (TCD) School of Education and the Research Officer with the Association for Higher Education Access and Disability (AHEAD). His Ph.D, titled the “social engagement experiences of disabled students in higher education in Ireland”, focused on the areas of disabled student social engagement, transitions, voice and belonging.
- Inclusive Learning at NUI Galway: Hearing and Embedding the Student Voice
Cameron Keighron, PhD Candidate, National University of Ireland, Galway
Cameron Keighron PhD Candidate, National University of Ireland, Galway
Cameron Keighron is a PhD candidate in the School of Medicine and the student partner on the Inclusive Learning project at NUI Galway. In recent years, they have served as the Postgraduate Taught Officer and Vice-President of Education in NUI Galway Students' Union. Cameron is passionate about ensuring that the student voice is highlighted in the creation, delivery, and evaluation of learning and teaching.
Dr Lucy-Ann Buckley Senior Lecturer in Commercial Law, National University of Ireland, Galway
Dr Lucy-Ann Buckley (Pronouns She/Her) is a Senior Lecturer in Commercial Law at NUI Galway and the Vice-Dean for Teaching and Learning in the College of Business, Public Policy and Law. She specialises in equality law, labour law, family law and social justice, and has published widely regarding gender and disability equality issues in these fields. She is active in policy development and recently acted as an expert advisor to the States of Guernsey (Channel Islands) in relation to the development of new multi-ground equality legislation.
Dr Dinali Wijeratne Postdoctoral Researcher, National University of Ireland Galway
Dr. Dinali Wijeratne is the postdoctoral researcher on both undergraduate and postgraduate Inclusive learning Projects at NUI Galway since 2019. She is affiliated with the Institute for Lifecourse and Society (ILAS) at NUI Galway. Dinali is interested in participatory and explorative qualitative research approaches, as well as in the use of economic theory to explain observed social behaviours, to identify inclusionary barriers face by diverse and vulnerable citizens in the society.
15.30-16.30 Weekly Close and Reflection (Live Only)
- Week 4 Close and Reflection Session
Dr Marian McCarthy, Vice President Emerita Teaching and Learning, University College Cork
Dr Marian McCarthy Vice President Emerita Teaching and Learning, University College Cork
Dr Marian McCarthy is a former Vice President for Teaching and Learning at UCC, a Fellow of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning and a Senior Lecturer in Education. She was co-founder and director of UCC’s Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning. Her research interests include Multiple Intelligences theory, Teaching for Understanding, Universal Design for Learning and the Arts in Education.
Marian is a member of the Senate of the NUI and a former Governor of UCC. She also served on the Board of Directors of AHEAD, in which she has a keen interest.
The core funding received by AHEAD for its higher education activities is provided by the Higher Education Authority.