Friday 7th May: Parallel Presentations & Weekly Close and Reflection
Two live online events take place each Friday afternoon throughout the conference:
Parallel Presentations (14.00 - 15.20): choose between two parallel sessions. These presentations include workshops, presentations and discussions on the week's theme. Full details are included in the schedule.
Weekly close and reflection (15.30-16.30): each week ends with a facilitated dialogue on the week's conference theme. Hosted by conference rapporteurs Dr Marian McCarthy and Dr Vivian Rath , this session will invite conference attendees to consider the issues raised throughout the presentations and invite discussion around learnings and directions for the future.
14:00-15:20 - Parallel 1: Workshop (Live Only)
14:00-15:20 - Parallel 1: Workshop (Live Only)
Communities of Practice - What are They and Where do I Start?
- Carrie Archer, City of Dublin Education and Training Board
Carrie Archer City of Dublin Education and Training Board
Carrie is the PD coordinator for CDETB. Her interests are Professional Learning and Development, Communities of Practice, Universal Design for Learning and supporting inclusion, diversity, social justice and the visibility of LGBTQI+ learners within the FET sector. She facilitates a Professional Learning Network (coordinated by CDETB's psychological service) for Learner Support educators in PLC colleges. She is a Mentor in TEL and works closely with a network of other TEL mentors in FET colleges/centres.
14:00-15:20 - Parallel 2: Themed Presentations (Live and Recorded)
14:00-15:20 - Parallel 2: Themed Presentations (Live and Recorded)
Lunchtime Learning and Building an Online UDL Community at NUI Galway
- Jane Ennis, National University of Ireland, Galway
Jane Ennis National University of Ireland, Galway
Jane Ennis is the Academic Skills Coordinator and a Disability Advisor with the Disability Support Service (part of the NUI Galway Access Centre). She is currently project manager for the Inclusive Learning at NUI Galway project. Her recent projects have focused on academic skills development, inclusive practice, and Universal Design for Learning (UDL).
Kate Molloy National University of Ireland, Galway
Kate Molloy is a Learning Technologist with the Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching at the National University of Ireland, Galway. She is currently working as NUI Galway project lead on the Irish Universities Association Enhancing Digital Teaching and Learning project. Kate began her career as a secondary English teacher in Connecticut before moving home to Ireland. As a teacher, she became interested in critical pedagogy, inclusivity, and the use of technology. In 2015, she moved into higher education where she supports staff teaching with technology. Her work focuses on the informed and ethical use of technology in higher education, learning design, and open practice. Kate is Secretary, National Executive of the Computers in Education Society of Ireland.
Dr Daniel Savery National University of Ireland, Galway
Dr Daniel Savery is Access Programme and Further Education to Higher Education Coordinator at NUI Galway. For the last four years, he has been directly involved in increasing the number of full-time undergraduate opportunities available for Further Education and Training (FET) students at NUI Galway. Daniel also currently teaches sociology and political theory at NUI Galway, and his primary recent interests concern the nature of freedom and domination in contemporary theories of justice.
Using Minecraft to Help Students with Autism Transition into University
- Clare Squires, De Montfort University
Clare Squires De Montfort University
I have worked with students with Autism for many years in further and higher education. I am the Disability Officer (Autism) at De Montfort University. Prior to this, I was the Autistic Spectrum Coordinator at Moulton College and I had worked in primary and secondary schools as a SENCO and Deputy Headteacher. I have two children who are at University with a diagnosis of Autism.
Promoting Inclusive Learning: Communities of Practice, Accessibility and a UDL driven Lens
- Thomas O Shaughnessy, University of Limerick
Thomas O Shaughnessy University of Limerick
Assistive Technology Officer at the University of Limerick for over 13 years. PhD candidate researching assistive technology in Initial Teacher Education. Background in Computer Science and Software Engineering. Guest speaker/lecture on UDL, Accessibility and Assistive Technology on different courses, including the MA in Technical Communication and E-Learning, Graduate Diploma in Mentoring & Leadership in Education (MIC), MSc in Speech & Language Therapy and in Inclusive Education (Teacher Education). Manage the purpose-built Educational Assistive Technology Centre (EATC). Member of the UL Web Group and current chair of the Web Accessibility subgroup. Collaborator on the INCLUDE2020 UDL initiative, UDL Badge Facilitator.
15.30-16.30 Weekly Close and Reflection (Live Only)
15.30-16.30 Weekly Close and Reflection (Live Only)
A facilitated dialogue on the Week 5 conference theme and a space to discuss the issues and questions raised.
- Dr Marian McCarthy, Vice President Emerita Teaching and Learning, University College Cork
Dr Marian McCarthy Vice President Emerita Teaching and Learning, University College Cork
Dr Marian McCarthy is a former Vice President for Teaching and Learning at UCC, a Fellow of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning and a Senior Lecturer in Education. She was co-founder and director of UCC’s Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning. Her research interests include Multiple Intelligences theory, Teaching for Understanding, Universal Design for Learning and the Arts in Education.
Marian is a member of the Senate of the NUI and a former Governor of UCC. She also served on the Board of Directors of AHEAD, in which she has a keen interest.
Dr Vivian Rath National Disabled Postgraduate Advisory Committee
Vivian is the Organiser of the National Disabled Postgraduate Advisory Committee and the TCD Forum for Disabled Staff and Postgraduate Students. Vivian is an academic, a human and disability rights advocate and a change maker. He is currently an Adjunct Teaching Fellow in Trinity College Dublin (TCD) School of Education and the Research Officer with the Association for Higher Education Access and Disability (AHEAD). His Ph.D, titled the “social engagement experiences of disabled students in higher education in Ireland”, focused on the areas of disabled student social engagement, transitions, voice and belonging.